Making Some Hardwood Drinks Coasters

I had lots of offcuts of sapele, oak and teak from the recent dining table build.  They were cluttering up the workshop so I wanted to put them to good use.  

I used the thickness planer to get all of the pieces to a consistent size and to ensure they were all flat.  Then I glued and clamped the pieces together with wood glue.  

When the glue had set, I used a handplane to flatten the laminated workpiece.  

I used a compass to scribe some circles on to the workpiece, and then I could cut the individual coasters out on the bandsaw, and refine the shape of each one on the belt sander.  

I used some double-sided tape to attach some sandpaper to a flat surface (my workbench) and sanded each of the coasters.  Then I applied Superior Danish Oil to bring out the grain nicely.  

Then I added a few coats of varnish, and finally added a coat of clear Briwax which I later buffed to a nice sheen.  I figured the more coats of finish I applied, the more protection from moisture.  
